Does the ability to paint come from talent, education, awareness? 

Is creativity an ‘in-born’ talent. Is it a state of mind?

So many times I’ve heard someone say (about a piece of art), “I could never do that. I don’t know how to paint. I’m not creative”, and I think, “I don’t believe that, not for a second”.

Every person is capable of admiring art; the freedom and humanity of modern art or the unselfconscious brilliance of a child’s drawing; the symbolic, abstraction of ancient art and the meticulous, crafted detail of Medieval & Renaissance paintings.

Expressions of art are infinite and (if we’re honest) we see that talent is not always the overriding factor in making a statement or impression in successful creative endeavour.

So why do we all worry so much about how much talent we do or don’t have? And why do we let it hold us back with our own creativity?

We all have smodern flower acrylic painting creativity talent expressiono much more to offer than the talent we believe we do or do not have. Vision, personality, opinion and expression through symbolism, abstraction, unselfconsciousness, hard work &  craftsmanship are all powerful elements uniquely combined with each creative act.

So let’s stop worrying and give our creative selves a chance.

Pick up a paintbrush, draw a picture, doodle a shape and see what happens.

Of all the people surprised by our creativity, it may be ourselves we astonish most.