why art? posts & ideas


Does the ability to paint come from talent, education, awareness?  Is creativity an ‘in-born’ talent. Is it a state of mind? So many times I’ve heard someone say (about a piece of art), “I could never do that. I don’t know how to paint. I’m not creative”, and I think, “I don’t believe that, not for a […]

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why art? posts & ideas

the creative machine

The Creative Machine Despite an ongoing societal love affair with creativity and ‘creative inspiration’, much of the act (the process) of making art in our consumer world has become comparable to snowmaking in the arctic. By which I mean, isn’t there enough genuine, unique, thoughtfully created art in the world (as there is snow, in the arctic) […]

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why art? posts & ideas

everyday art

In his satirical essay, “The Agony of the Artist (with a capital A)“, E.E. Cummings said,  “Most people …accept [the] agony of the Artist, as they accept evolution. The rest move their minds to the extent of supposing that anybody with Art school training, plus ‘temperament’- or a flair for agony- may become an Artist. […]

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why art? posts & ideas

how do you feel

From the moment we are born, every human feels. Whether it’s cold, hunger, warmth, joy- feelings are there, unlearned & basic; emotions that drive our every action. The purpose of ‘feelings’ (physical senses), as evolved over millions of years, is to alert us (all humans) to threatening situations that may impact our survival; the evolution of […]

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