ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 44 / DRAWING / couturier Art Every Day Number 44 is an interpretation of the outfit created by one artist who had an interest in fashion. In 1965, Salvador Dali had his couturier debut, showing this tightly banded bikini which he called the “no-bustline look”. It was, as Dali said, “… […]
Tag: illustration
art every day number 43 / drawing / ice cream
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 43 / DRAWING / ice cream Art Every Day Number 43 is about the best lunch a person could have. Some ice cream brands provide up to 7% of your daily protein requirements per serving. (!) Yes. Ice Cream. Happy Monday. One small piece of art & illustration a day / […]
art every day number 42 / drawing / bear
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 42 / DRAWING / Bear Art Every Day Number 42 is a depiction of a black bear in its white phase. The North American Black Bear is the most common bear in North America and lives in a region stretching from the State of Florida north, into Canada and Alaska. The black […]
art every day number 32 / notebook & paint / free lemons
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 32 / notebook & paint / free lemons Art Every Day Number 32 FREE LEMONS was inspired by something, someone actually said (!) Nothing like a gift of citrus to start the weekend- One small piece of art a day / Janet Bright
art every day number 31 / drawing / modern jet airliner 1972
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 31 / Drawing / modern jet airliner, 1972 Art Every Day Number 31 MODERN JET AIRLINER, 1972 shows an interpretation of what was proudly described at the time as … a Modern Jet that can speed 111 passengers across the country in 5.5 hours…In an airplane, people can reach any spot on […]
art every day number 22 / drawing / smoking
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 22 / DRAWING / smoking Art Every Day Number 22 SMOKING was inspired by fashion and glamour. One small piece of art a day / Janet Bright