ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 472 / EMAILS FROM THE INTERNET #3 / HEYA Art Every Day Number 472 / Heya If only the internet would contact me every day. ( BeCAuSe iT sUrE iS gREat tO Be aPprEciATed.) Art & illustration / Janet Bright
Art & Ideas
Art & Ideas
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 472 / EMAILS FROM THE INTERNET #3 / HEYA Art Every Day Number 472 / Heya If only the internet would contact me every day. ( BeCAuSe iT sUrE iS gREat tO Be aPprEciATed.) Art & illustration / Janet Bright
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 349 / ILLUSTRATION / DEMEANOR Art Every Day Number 349 DEMEANOR is about the messages we send. Outward behaviors and bearing. Manner, air, attitude, appearance, look, carriage, behavior, conduct – Art & illustration / Janet Bright