ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 284 / ILLUSTRATION / LAUNDRY Art every day number 284 LAUNDRY is about doing things the new, old fashioned, modern way- Wind and sun to get things done. One small piece of art & illustration a day / Janet Bright
art every day number 263 / illustration / pink blue / abstract.mod
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 263 / ILLUSTRATION / PINK BLUE / ABSTRACT.MOD Art every day number 263 PINK BLUE / ABSTRACT.MOD is about seeing things in another way. Ambiguous. Interpretive. Clear. One small piece of art & illustration a day / Janet Bright
art every day number 262 / illustration / orange lime / abstract.mod
ART EVERY DAY NUMBER 262 / ILLUSTRATION / ORANGE LIME / ABSTRACT.MOD Art every day number 262 ORANGE LIME / ABSTRACT.MOD is about seeing things in another way. Ambiguous. Interpretive. Clear. One small piece of art & illustration a day / Janet Bright
how to create
Ever wonder where the ability to create comes from? Is it talent, education, awareness (something else)? Or, is ‘art ability’ a state of mind? So many times I’ve heard people say (about any work of art), “I could never do that; I can’t even draw a stick person; …